
Stay on top of your finance as a business entrepreneur!!

We at Business Klinic have a proven track record in scaling business growth sessions in Kerala effectively

 Let’s move on…

Apart from marketing, hiring, and maintaining relationships with peer customers, tracking business accounting stays one of the crucial obstacles you need to overcome. Bookkeeping signifies a vital factor for any business entity. 

The language of any financial growth is stated as accounting”

Accounting is defined as recording, summarising, and analyzing all financial transactions. Meanwhile, there comes other few categories of challenges you might face. Always believe that financial problems can’t lead to a business failure. We have tactic solutions to increase revenue for small businesses in kerala as well.

Do you want to survive a huge sales growth session in kerala?💯… Let’s analyze some major hazards and pitfalls to help you overcome…👇

☑️Cash flow issue

This reflects the most popular financial drawback simply cash flow or running out of money. There comes a situation where you might expect a profitable year ahead with new clients but what if those clients have not settled their existing payments. You find it difficult to handle financial management without ready cash and of course, it becomes worse as the payroll tax due date reaches. 

☑️Unexpected Business Disasters

The current COVID-19 pandemic symbolizes one such disaster affecting all livelihood and business industry. Small business entities are largely hit by unpredictable business shutdowns. 

☑️Not employing a financial budget

Always stick to a budget to plan your future expenditure and cut back quickly when required. Hoping enough cash in your bank account to settle monthly bills will surely tear off your business ground that may wind up with more debt as well. A business budget defines a living document for better decision-making. 

We set realistic goals and offer the best revenue increase sessions in kerala

👉We have also concluded 5 elements to be detailed in any financial budget:

  • Fixed cost
  • Variable cost
  • One-time cost
  • Cash flow statement
  • Profits

☑️Unable to raise enough capital

Working capital is a major concern for companies of any size. Capital shortage seems a real burdensome in hiring, expanding the business to the next level, and exploring new opportunities. 

➡️Let’s discuss 5 main strategies

  • Venture funding

It enhances more financial strength for startups. 

  • Private equity:

 It is meant for those business owners who are ready to hand over a chunk of the company in exchange for cash flow 

  • SBA backed loans: 

They are quite easily accessible but still depicts a smaller amount 

  • Bank loans without Government backing:

These are personal credits where small businesses rely upon.

☑️Payroll Management

We are one of the most trusted and best business clinics for start-ups in kerala. Know how to classify your new employee’s payroll unless and otherwise, you are going to shoot up with costly penalties. Organizational inconsistency, wrong tax filing, overdue and Underdue payments, issues in employee absence tracking, and other administrative compliances. 

☑️Proper bookkeeping

This is of course a vital task in employing a proper accounting system. The incorrect calculation, poor data analysis, and mislead IRS audits are some of the critical mistakes in any business firm. Audit your business transaction weekly or daily or at least monthly basis. At the end of each month, self analyze your accounting booklets where transactions are still remembered. 

Ready to adapt to the best sales growth method in Kerala? Yes!! You have reached the right platform with the best strategies for business growth in Kerala 

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